| 1. | Guide for the preparation of excitation system specifications 励磁系统规范制订指南 |
| 2. | Guide for the preparation of excitation system specifications 励磁系统规范制订指南 |
| 3. | Marine sewage treatment system specification 船用生活污水处理系统技术条件 |
| 4. | Cdpd . cellular digital packet data - system specification overview 蜂窝式数字分组数据 |
| 5. | Solar home system specifications and test procedure 家用太阳能光伏电源系统技术条件和试验方法 |
| 6. | Thermal batteries for ft system specification for Ft系列热电池规范 |
| 7. | Digital radio mondiale - part 1 : system specification 全球无线电数字传输drm .第一部分:系统规范 |
| 8. | Warehouse information system specification 数码仓库应用系统规范 |
| 9. | Drm . digital radio mondial - system specification 全球数字广播 |
| 10. | Service management systems specification with guidance for application 服务管理体系规范及实施指南 |